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What Are Bagasse Products?

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Discover what bagasse products are and their eco-friendly benefits. Learn how these sustainable alternatives are transforming the market.

Did you know plastic production and waste have almost doubled between 2009 and 2019? According to the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), only 9% of plastic ever goes through recycling the World +Economic Forum (WEF) report also confirms.

A bagasse product is a form of biodegradable tableware with the potential to curb this environmental impact. It offers a sustainable alternative to plastic and Styrofoam disposable cutlery.

Bagasse products mainly comprise sugarcane fiber (a by-product of sugarcane processing). As a result, we can get eco-friendly and compostable utensils.

Let’s explore the diverse range of bagasse product sets, including bagasse packaging and cutlery. Moreover, we’ll look at the benefits and uses of sugar cane bagasse products, including their composition and production process.

What Is Bagasse?

So, what is a bagasse product? No, we’re not going to tell you that it's a biodegradable tableware option again. Instead, we’ll discuss what actually makes it biodegradable, eco-friendly, and sustainable.

Bagasse biodegradable tableware 

Bagasse is the fibrous residue that we get after sugarcane stalks are crushed. It typically happens in sugar mills where machines crush to extract juice from sugar canes. Then, we get products like refined sugar, brown sugar, and medicinal products.

Brief Overview of Global Sugarcane Production

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization Corporate Statistical Database (FAOSTAT), the global production of sugarcane was 1.92 billion tons in 2022. Brazil was the highest producer of sugarcane, with ~38% of the world’s total production at 724.4 million tons.

Global Sugarcane Production Data (2022) 

Properties and Composition of a Bagasse Product

After crushing, we get the sugarcane fiber. The fiber contains lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose. It is a valuable raw material for paper/pulp production, animal feed, and so on.

Sugarcane fiber 

We found out that bagasse can retain up to 50% of its moisture even  after processing. Of course, it will depend on the efficiency of the juice extraction process and the machinery used for it.

Composition of Sugarcane Bagasse Products

Bagasse contains around 40-45% of cellulose, around 20-25% hemicellulose, and around 18-24% lignin. Those are rough estimates of the chemical composition of bagasse, which may vary depending on the milling process.

The high cellulose content is what makes it suitable for the production of compostable utensils. And that is also why it has become an environmentally friendly alternative to non-biodegradable cutlery and plastic materials.

Uses for Sugar Cane Bagasse

● Sugarcane Bagasse Products: The main use of bagasse is the production of compostable utensils and eco-friendly disposable cutlery. Here, we’re talking about bagasse containers, bagasse packaging, and everything in between. These are naturally sourced dining and takeaway utensils fit for use in a variety of settings.

● Biofuel Production: It is also a raw material for biofuel production, mainly in the sugar industry. The cogeneration process uses bagasse as a renewable energy source to provide electricity to sugarcane mills.

● Paper and Pulp Production: Bagasse from sugarcane fiber is useful for producing paper and paperboard products. The high cellulose content makes it suitable for use in paper and packaging material production.

● Animal Feed: In many regions, especially areas with high sugarcane harvest and yield, crushed sugarcane stalks and bagasse serve as animal fodder. It is rich in nutrients and fiber, which makes it an extremely sustainable and natural food source for livestock.

Since the production of sugarcane is over 1.92 billion tons, as of 2022, it leads to a lot of crushed stalks and bagasse. The effective utilization of bagasse can not only help reduce the waste in sugarcane processing but also promote environmentally friendly and sustainable practices.

Sugarcane bagasse products like packaging, containers, cutlery, and dining accessories are in high demand across various industries. In fact, you must've heard of or even seen sustainability-driven eateries in your area serving and promoting biodegradable tableware made of bagasse.

How Are Bagasse Products Produced?

Bagasse product production 

So, how are sugarcane bagasse products made from crushed cane stalks and fibrous residue? Well, the process of making bagasse products looks something like this:

Stage 1: Sugarcane Fiber Extraction

In the sugarcane mills, the extraction of sugarcane fiber (bagasse) is the first step in the process. You get the fibrous residue after the milling of sugarcane plants.

Stage 2: Cleaning and Screening

The residue fiber, rich in sugarcane bagasse, arrives at the processing facilities for cleaning and screening. This takes care of the dirt and debris to make sure it’s safe and healthy for further processing.

Stage 3: Pulping

Here, the cleaned bagasse goes through the mechanical or chemical pulping process. It involves pressing and grinding to break the fibers into a pulp. Chemical pulping helps to separate lignin from the cellulose.

Stage 4: Molding

The pulped bagasse fibers go through water mixing for molding. Using different technology and machinery, manufacturers turn it into bagasse containers, cups, bowls, and other bagasse product varieties.

Stage 5: Drying and Finishing

The manufacturers use heat and pressure techniques to form products through molding. Then, the molded bagasse cutlery goes through drying and finishing. It could be air-drying or sun-drying depending on the desired durability and strength. You will also notice color and textured coatings which are actually helpful with branding and water-resistance features. 

Stage 6: Packaging

At this stage, the sugarcane bagasse products go through comprehensive quality assurance and packaging. Bagasse packaging also uses eco-friendly materials like paper, cardboard, and so on. 

The machinery and technology in the production of biodegradable tableware, like sugarcane bagasse products, also align with the sustainability and environmental-friendliness goals. The advanced machinery operates on waste management technology. It is designed for minimal energy consumption for higher efficiency.

What Bagasse Products Are Available?

sugarcane bagasse products, including disposable cutlery, bowls, and plates. 

Let’s look at the bagasse product range available as biodegradable tableware, food packaging, and cutlery:

1. Bagasse Cutlery

First of all, bagasse cutlery isn't limited to bowls, plates, and cups. It includes knives, forks, and spoons. Secondly, they are resistant to water, oil, and high temperatures which makes them suitable for a variety of foods. For starters, you or your customers can enjoy soups, cakes, pasta, breads, and a lot more in sturdy compostable utensils made of sugarcane fiber bagasse.

2. Bagasse Bowls and Plates

You will also find bagasse bowls and plates made from sugarcane bagasse. These are naturally oil-resistant and therefore, don’t require any chemical coating. They are suitable for serving roasted meats, chips, snacks, and salads, including everyday meals and suppers. Moreover, compostable utensils like bagasse containers, bowls, and plates are reusable with a simple wash.

3. Bagasse Straws

Straws are also popular in the bagasse product variety. These are composed of sugarcane fiber and pellets to decompose naturally into organic matter. Hence, they’re highly sustainable alternatives to plastic straws. Also, they can withstand varying liquid temperatures, making them suitable for teas, sodas, and coffees.

4. Bagasse Cups

An eco-friendly alternative to disposable plastic cups or traditional paper cups is bagasse cups. These cups can hold liquids for long periods and easily break down into organic matter to reduce the environmental impact. With the right composition, decomposed bagasse cups can also facilitate carbon storage in the soil.

5. Bagasse Bags

Replacing plastic bags and other non-biodegradable options, bagasse bags are also a popular by-product of sustainable manufacturing processes. With a thin and lightweight material composition, bagasse bags made from sugarcane fiber are surprisingly good as reusable packages. Plus, lots of businesses have been using bagasse bags to showcase their commitment to sustainability and for versatile branding initiatives.

6. Bagasse Pulp Products

The pulp derived through sugarcane fiber processing has a range of uses. The bagasse pulp is a highly useful raw material for napkins and tissues. It provides a natural texture and a more tactile experience compared to traditional paper products.

Benefits of Using Bagasse Products

Sugarcane fiber bagasse cups 

We’ll now look at the environmentally-friendly benefits of sugarcane bagasse products. From heat resistance to microwave safety and more, there are numerous reasons why industries are shifting toward using biodegradable bagasse products. Here’s more!

● Eco-Friendly and Sustainable

Bagasse product-based cutlery and tableware comes from sugarcane fiber, a byproduct of sugarcane milling. Hence, it promises sustainability with reduced dependence on non-renewable sources, like fossil fuels and chemical alternatives.

Moreover, sugarcane bagasse products are biodegradable. That means they can easily decompose into organic matter through a natural process and help reduce the carbon footprint with less need for landfills and toxic waste.

● Microwave Safety (Heat Resistance)

Did you know that the bagasse product variety for tableware and dining has excellent heat resistance? According to Science Direct, a study confirms the durability of sugarcane bagasse products based on heat-resistant capabilities.

Using a bagasse product in the microwave is safe and suitable. It can withstand microwave temperatures without releasing harmful chemicals. Besides, it doesn't contain harmful chemical substances like plastics, making them a perfectly food-safe and sustainable alternative.

● Natural and Renewable Resources

The world produces plastic waste worth a couple hundred million tons every year. On the other hand, sustainable alternatives like bagasse biodegradable tableware come from a renewable source, sugarcane.

With over 1.92 billion tons produced every year on average, there is ample availability of sugarcane fiber residue to create compostable utensils and eco-friendly disposable cutlery. Furthermore, it also promotes sustainable agricultural practices to ensure a steady supply of bagasse raw material.

● Safe Disposal Options

Unlike plastics, biodegradable tableware from sugarcane from sugarcane fiber and processed bagasse can prevent toxic landfill expansion. Plastic is mostly non-biodegradable and requires chemical disposal which releases harmful gases and toxic fumes into the environment.

On the other hand, a bagasse product comprises mainly natural cellulose from sugarcane fiber. Hence, it decomposes safely into organic matter. What's more interesting is that it can enrich the soil and potentially reduce the greenhouse gas effects. Through safe composting facilities, bagasse aligns with the circular economy principles for sustainable waste management.

● Versatile Features

There’s a common misconception that bagasse cutlery and dining products are available in standard shapes, sizes, and colors. However, there's a variety of premium-quality printed and coated biodegradable tableware. You can easily request a reliable manufacturer, like Sumkoka, to mold and shape sugarcane bagasse products with specific requirements.

And, the lightweight but durable exterior allows for versatile printing to facilitate branding requirements. Many manufacturers offer eco-friendly and recycled printing material to ensure alignment with your sustainability goals.

● Growing Consumer Preference

The global consumer market is becoming more aware of the environmental impacts of different packaging and tableware options. Realizing the sheer adverse impacts of plastics and non-biodegradable products on the environment, the global consumer market is shifting towards eco-friendly alternatives.

By relying on bagasse products to offer sustainable dining and takeaway facilities, companies can enhance their credentials as eco-friendly organizations. Moreover, it is an effective approach to fulfill corporate social responsibility while raising awareness about environmental sustainability.

Comparison With Other Disposable Products

Here's a comparison table that summarizes the key characteristics of bagasse cutlery with other disposable tableware:



Environmental Impact



Bagasse Product (Sugarcane fiber)


Compostable, biodegradable, low pollution


Biodegradable tableware, bagasse packaging, disposable cutlery



Highly sustainable, compostable, biodegradable


Eco-friendly cutlery and tableware applications



Renewable, biodegradable


Ideal for packaging and cutlery due to eco-friendly properties



Highly sustainable, biodegradable, recyclable


Low-cost disposable tableware and packaging

Biodegradable Plastics (PLA, PHA)


Reduced pollution, compostable, reusable


Suitable for food packaging



Non-biodegradable, high pollution


Numerous industrial applications but highly adverse environmental effects (source)


Application of Bagasse Products

People having a meal in Sugarcane fiber bagasse products 

With the benefits above, you can easily guess which industries are maximizing the use of biodegradable bagasse product cutlery and packaging. Here’s an easy-to-read listicle breakdown of the key industries using bagasse products to reduce environmental impact:

● Hospitality

Restaurants and hotels are among the businesses in the hospitality industry that are embracing eco-friendly solutions. There are well-established brands and eateries deriving bagasse cutlery, bowls, and other tableware from sustainability-driven manufacturers.

● Catering

In the catering business, bagasse containers and bagasse packaging ensure reliable environmentally friendly practices. With the use of biodegradable food packaging that is heat and oil-resistant, caterers are offering greater convenience to customers without compromising on food safety.

● Food Service and Retail

In the retail sector, supermarkets and food chains are utilizing bagasse packaging such as takeaway clamshells, compostable utensils, and disposable cutlery made from sugarcane fiber. Food businesses are offering eco-friendly packaging options to serve snacks and salads.

● Household Consumers

Even household consumers are choosing the bagasse product variety for convenient and low-waste dining. From bagasse cutlery to bowls, plates, and containers, consumers are increasing their reliance on eco-friendly options, a report from MarkWide Research confirms.

Prospects and Trends of Bagasse Products

Biodegradable bagasse cup 

For now, the future of bagasse product tableware and cutlery looks promising across numerous industries. The sustainability-driven market is utilizing advanced technology to steer industries from fossil fuels and other non-renewable energy sources.

The ongoing research for sugarcane bagasse products focuses on qualities such as high heat resistance, liquid resistance, durability, moisture resistance, and reusability.

According to Science Direct, research confirms high silicon concentration in sugarcane bagasse. As a result, it can significantly help with the production of high-purity Silicon Nano-Particles (SiNPs) for sustainable agricultural practices.

Global Market Growth Trends

Statista reports that the global market for green packaging was valued at approximately $259.3 billion in 2023. Additionally, it is expected that the green packaging market could reach nearly $392.9 billion by 2032.

In addition, the market for bagasse product tableware (also categorized as green packaging worldwide) is valued at an estimated $2.98 billion in 2023 Future Market Insights confirms.

It also states that with an expected Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 6.7% between 2023 and 2032, the market could reach approximately $5.23 billion by 2032.

The comprehensive report goes on to confirm that the main driving factor behind market growth is the increasing consumer preference for environmentally friendly products in the food sector.

As a result, there is a rising trend for green packaging and sustainable tableware solutions among cafeterias, caterers, restaurants, and other food service businesses.


1.Is Every Bagasse Product Biodegradable and Compostable?

Yes, every bagasse product can be biodegradable and compostable. They break down into organic matter without manual intervention.

2.What Are the Pros of Using Sugarcane Bagasse Products Over Plastic Alternatives?

Firstly, they come from a renewable source (sugarcane fiber) which makes them sustainable. In addition, they are also sturdy, resilient, and eco-friendly. They disintegrate naturally without adverse environmental impacts.

3.Can I Reuse a Bagasse Product?

Coming from a reliable manufacturer, yes. You can reuse a bagasse product or whole biodegradable tableware set multiple times. Make sure you assess the structural integrity and intended use of the composable utensils.

4.What Type of Food Is Best for Sugarcane Bagasse Products?

Bagasse products are heat and oil-resistant. Plus, they can easily withstand liquids. So, it makes them suitable for a variety of foods like sandwiches, pasta, salads, and so on. For beverages, you can use it to hold juices, coffee, and more.


A bagasse product tableware is a sustainable alternative to low-cost but high-pollution plastic and non-biodegradable options. Made from processed sugarcane fiber, bagasse disposable cutlery is compostable and eco-friendly. By embracing the future of eco-friendly dining and food packaging, you can showcase your commitment to sustainability. Explore more on our website for sustainable bagasse solutions.

Discover the Perfect Bagasse Product Variety for Your Business Needs!

Sumkoka is one of the leading Chinese manufacturers of bagasse product tableware, cutlery, and other sustainable solutions. With 12 years of experience in the industry, we understand the diverse needs of businesses in different sectors.

Using premium-grade raw materials, we produce durable and lasting bagasse product varieties fit for a range of household and commercial applications. Our bagasse products bring a slew of benefits, from cost-effectiveness to positive environmental impact.

Ready to embrace sustainability at your company? Request a printed sample of bagasse disposable cutlery and biodegradable tableware.

Sumkoka can help you reduce the environmental impact without compromising on the dining experience. Call us today!

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Please tell us your specific requirements(such as product, size, quantity, color, packaging, etc), we'll reply you as soon as we can.

Hefei Sumkoka Environmental Technology Co.,Ltd. was founded in 2012 and we are China professional manufacturer that produces disposable environmentally friendly bagasse tableware.

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